57 Min 40 Sec - Hawaii State 40Km TT
So I've had one week to digest the fact that I finally "offically" broke the 1 hour barrier in Oahu's only 40km time trial. And considering all my prior year's times ( http://mycyclingpage.blogspot.com/2006_05_01_archive.html) instead of just getting under 1 hour, I pretty much blasted through that barrier with the 57:40, good for the fifth fastest time of the day. I was out in 30:30 and back in 27:10...and ttytt...it feels pretty darn good :-)
Some Pictures:
Me out of the starter's box:http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?userid=Nostalgia-Studios&gallery_id=685080&image_id=14
Me front shots: http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/OrderPage.aspx?pi=0NKM0006000004&po=4&c & http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?userid=Nostalgia-Studios&gallery_id=685080&image_id=138
Me on the return leg after my aerobottle got flung off: http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/OrderPage.aspx?pi=0NKM0006000056&po=56&c
The D-man: http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?userid=Nostalgia-Studios&gallery_id=685080&image_id=101 & http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?userid=Nostalgia-Studios&gallery_id=685080&image_id=38
Mark: http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?userid=Nostalgia-Studios&gallery_id=685080&image_id=51 & http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?userid=Nostalgia-Studios&gallery_id=685080&image_id=85
David: http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?userid=Nostalgia%2DStudios&gallery_id=685080&tcount=193&scount=3 & http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?userid=Nostalgia%2DStudios&gallery_id=685080&tcount=193&scount=66
Ken: http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/OrderPage.aspx?pi=0NKM0006000044&po=44&c
The planets and the moon must have really been aligned last Sunday, not to mention all the new TT bikes that I saw, as many riders did PRs last Sunday, with LOTS of people getting under the one hour mark. Amazing...
Results: http://quick-release.googlegroups.com/web/STATETT.07.OVERALL.HTM?gda=fD5uF0cAAABftAvvm3x-Z-91VnxjB0DEDwABiLa8pmzyF3htuX5Wg2G1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRWa1R43ZqeSJuOwyQaoM46gfVflEOe4DEApVsqHiOiYA
Sans Powertap and Training On Faith: For the first time in the last 3 year I didn't use my PT for this race...I'm on a sort of Powertap boycott since it was giving me problems about a month or two ago (Not to mention the new TT bike has 650 wheels).
Infact, since the Tantalus TT, I've been training Old School style...with no PT or HRM. Two things I've learned is that by training old school...you've got to really really really listen to your body when riding, and especailly while TTing. And the second thing is that you are truly training on "faith" as you have no real concrete proof that you're improving...you just gotta believe that your are. So sometimes, I feel like I go that little extra bit harder...as insurace to make sure I'm getting faster. My bicycle insider guy is just daring me to see how long this will last...we'll see...
Cervelo P2C and No Excuses Anymore: I love this bike - and as I said in my previous post, "it's all rider now!" However, I still know I can't take ALL the credit as I KNOW my new P2C (and the position it let me get into) probably had a lot to do with it.
Other than the Cervelo's P3C, the P2C has got to be the most aero TT bike around...especially in the 650c wheel size, as I think the Cervelos are the only ones with a faired rear wheel in the 650c size. But, with the 650c wheels, the rear chainstay is LESS than 370mm - VERY SHORT and NOT GOOD for the chainline and friction losses. To help aleviate this, I was lucky that my good friend David Lum found a nice guy who let me use his 56 tooth chainring. With this ring, I was able to mostly run in the center of the rear cogset...and thank goodness as the tailwinds on the return leg had me using the 56x11 for about 1/4 of the time on the way back!
650c Spinergys: Thank goodness I didn't sell these wheels. I've got to say that these old school aero wheels are really fast!!! The day before the race, I did a one hour shakedown ride with the Spinergys and the wheels felt extremely quick with 650x19 Continental Gran Prix 3000s. I hadn't used this wheelset since about 2001 or so and fortunately, the rubber still seemed pretty good as I pumped them up to 140 psi. The profile of this tire and wheelset are just so narrow that I felt like it just cut through the wind...they must have worked. But...I wonder how much faster a rear disk and some lower crr tires like the Michelin Pro Race 2s would have been...oh well, I'm not complaining...Me
David who got me the 56 tooth chainring and 303 Zipps (which I thought about using)...
After the race we were all invited down by Carl and Howard to the most beautiful beach house I've ever seen for lunch with the QuickRelease Cycling Team who sponsered the race. There was an abundance of good food, good beer, and good company as we all talked a little more cycling while enjoying the Giro on TV and the private beach in the back yard...all in all...a GREAT day...