West Maui Mountains Cycling

Even though I started out not knowing exactly where to go, what I found was one of the most beautiful cycling roads I have ever rode in Hawaii. Two big things stood out as OUTSTANDING. One was minimal traffic - IOW...I HATE TRAFFIC!!! The second being, the scenery was unbeliveble.
Although there was a bit of eleveation give and take, going into and out of the many valleys strewn on this road (why do you think they call Maui the Valley Isle?) it was nothing anyone couldn't handle.

Hidden waterfall that anyone in a car would never see...

Now there are the kind of roads I like...

Cows and the Sea...what a strange sight to see...
Even though on a time schedule, I kept wanting to push further and further to discover what would be around the next bend. I didn't help any too, that I kept on stopping to take more and more pictures.

And I'm soooo glad that I rode far enough to discover this beautiful bay...Kahakuloa Bay. Standing on the cliffs above taking in this scenery...a perfect place to turn around...
For the rest of my pictures click here: My Haleakala Flickr Set.