My Cycling Page - 私 の サイクリング ページ

Some bike and equipment stuff...Some rides and training stuff...Some race stuff...Some good rides...And some other stuff...Stuff not necessarily in that order!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Arundel Bottle - Field Test didn't take more than 15 minutes of riding on our CRAPPY CRAPPY roads till that funky shaped bottle got totally JETISONED from it's carbon cage and go sliding down the road at 50kph!!! ended up smack in the middle of the road on the double yellow solid. And, a friendly walker stopped the traffic to pickup my bottle...making sure it didn't get squashed into a pancake.

I gotta figure out how I will modify this thing to be more secure. When it decided to go flying, it was almost full, I'm pretty sure that if you keep the bottle only, say, 1/3 full, then it wouldn't be a problem.

I will report on how I hopefully solve this problem...other than that, it still looks really cool.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

TT Bike - Arundel Chrono Bottle Mounted

Arundel Chrono
Arundel Chrono
Arundel Chrono Arundel Chrono

Finally got around to mounting my new Arundel Chrono water bottle on my TT bike. And from all angles, looks pretty good and aero to me. However, I still need to try and test it out while actually riding though.

The experts say that a bottle on the seat tube is much more aero than one on the down tube, ESPECIALLY with a rear there it is (sans disk). Plus that, with the funky shape of the bottle, I found it a little difficult to grab from ANY location, however, it is a bit easier on the seat tube.

I still say, though, that the old school Campy Aero Bottle still looks すごくかっこいですね。。。

Keeping my fingers crossed, but compared to the round bottle I would have used, hopefully it will be good for...say...15 or 20 seconds on a 40k???